We acknowledge that the Kaurna people welcomed us to the place where the Queen’s Theatre stands on their unceded land. And this is how we have come to know this place. When we continue the stories of the first peoples of these lands, we hope to keep the spirit of this place true to the people of the Kaurna nation. We thank them deeply for their on-going sharing, teaching and caring for culture, place and people. The Queen’s Wall artists pay their respects to all First Nations elders, past and present.
‘The Queen’s Wall’ was created by Mary Moore and Sandpit
Mary Moore and Sandpit designed the Queen’s Wall as an interactive promenade. It is a ‘living wall’, drawing its inspiration from the world of theatre.
Theatre is a collaborative art practice and over thirty free-lance artists and four digital companies have contributed to the making of this interactive ‘living wall’. Five performing arts companies agreed to have their work shown in the App story that celebrates the 460 artists who have performed in the Queen’s since it was reclaimed as a theatre in 1996.
The archival research that supported the creation of the Queen’s Wall was managed through AusStage and originated with the Lost Theatres Project.
Commissioned by the Department of the Premier and Cabinet, this artwork was delivered in partnership with Guildhouse.
- Queen’s Wall Artwork and VR Interior Designs
- Mary Moore
- Interactive Design Direction
- Sam Haren
- Story Research, Direction, and Dramaturgy
- Julie Holledge
- Assistant to Mary Moore
- Josh Brigante
- Project First Nations Consultants
- Michael Kumatpi Marrutya O'Brien
- Professor Lester-Irabinna Rigney
- Major Lancelot “Moogy” Sumner
- Klynton Wanganeen
- Carissa Lee
For the Queen’s Wall Artwork
- Production Management
- Diana Trajanovski & Jude Henshall
- Fabrication and Installation
- Iguana Creative
- Lighting
- Chris Petridis
- Photography
- Sam Oster
- AI Horse
- John Banman
- Costumes and Wigs
- Jana Dibiasi
- Cast
- Emanuel Solomon
- Mitchell Butel
- Giovanna Bianchi
- Cherie Boogaart
- Yanggara
- Cliffy 'Tangku Munaitya' Wilson
- John Lazar
- Nathan O’Keefe
- Cordelia Cameron
- Ellen Steele
- Red Man
- Jermaine Hampton
- Red People
- Bitondi and Flinders Drama Centre
- Preparation of Site
- Ventia, Swanbury Penglase, G-Force, Connex
For the Queen’s Wall App
- Interactive App Design
- Josh Brigante
- Interactive App Software Development
- Cameron James
- 360 Virtual Modeling
- Ortelia Interactive
- Lazaros Katanis
- Darren Pack
- Avatar Costume Design
- Maarit Kalmakurki
- Avatar Motion Capture
- Jason Bevan
- Queen’s VR Acoustic Plug-in
- Voltaacoustics, Daniel Castro
- Playwright
- Alex Vickery-Howe
- Interior Soundscapes
- Matt Hadley
- Sound Technician for Arabin Monologue
- Tom Spiby
- Cast
- Narration
- Ullie Birve
- Additional Voices
- Tanya Wanganeen – in Narungga
- Mickey Kumatpi O’Brien – in Kaurna
- Jermaine Hampton
- Alex Vickery-Howe
- Gustavus Arabin’s Avatar
- Gerrard McArthur
- Avatars in Auditoria and Courtrooms
- Lauren Jones
- Luke Furlan
Additional Extracts of Live Performance at Queen’s Theatre
Extract from ‘Hans and Gret’. Courtesy Windmill Performing Arts
Extract from ‘Blindness’. Courtesy Arts Projects Australia
Extract from ‘Shifting Perspectives’. Courtesy of Restless Dance Theatre
Extract from ‘The Lighthouse’. Courtesy of Patch Theatre
For the Queen’s Wall Website and Podcasts
- Design
- Jonathan Bollen
- Construction
- Benjamin Laird
- Playwright
- Alex Vickery Howe
- Sound Design, Remote Recording, Editing
- Matt Hadley
- Cast
- Ullie Birve
- Matt Crook
- Catherine Fitzgerald
- Luke Furlan
- Jermaine Hampton
- Ashton Malcolm
- Corey McMahon
- Caroline Mignone
- Renato Musolino
For AusStage
- Academic Lead and Chief Investigator
- Chris Hay
- Project Manager
- Liz Larkin
- Software Developer
- Benjamin Laird
- Losttheatres Project
- Joanne Tompkins
- Julie Holledge
- Jonathan Bollen
- Liyang Xia
- Research Assistants
- Peter Beaglehole
- Bill Dunstone
- Luke Furlan
- Jamie Harding
- Jude Henshaw
- Chris Hurrell
- Peter Kelly
- Liz Larkin
- Nadia Rossi
- Sarah Thomasson
Our thanks go to all these people who have supported the realization of the Queen’s project: Guy and Liz Adams, Lana Adams, Rachel Azzopardi, Richard Back, Jim and Carol Banman, William Boyle, Cash Buck, Christine Cholewa, Geoff Cobham, Lee Cumberlidge, Merinda Edwards, Jenny Fewster, Luke Hancock, Chris Hay, Skye Krichauff, Tracy Le Cornu, Cameron Mackness, David Montgomer, Amanda Nettelbeck, Radhe Osborn, Chris Payne, Paul Rees, Will Robertson, Ian Scobie, Judy Potter, Sion Withers, Lewis Wunderberg, Julian Zytnik.